For inspiration for code, have a look at the BDA R Demos and the specific Assignment code notebooks
Recommended additional self study exercises for each chapter in BDA3 are listed in the course web page. These will help to gain deeper understanding of the topic.
Deadlines for all assignments can be found on the course web page and in MyCourses.
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Do not share your answers publicly.
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if (!require(tidybayes)) {install.packages("tidybayes")library(tidybayes)}
Loading required package: tidybayes
if (!require(brms)) {install.packages("brms")library(brms)}
Loading required package: brms
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading 'brms' package (version 2.22.0). Useful instructions
can be found by typing help('brms'). A more detailed introduction
to the package is available through vignette('brms_overview').
Attaching package: 'brms'
The following objects are masked from 'package:tidybayes':
dstudent_t, pstudent_t, qstudent_t, rstudent_t
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
if (!require(metadat)) {install.packages("metadat")library(metadat)}
cmdstan_installed <-function(){ res <-try(out <- cmdstanr::cmdstan_path(), silent =TRUE)!inherits(res, "try-error")}if(!cmdstan_installed()){install_cmdstan()}
2 Simulation warm-up
Here is the function to simulate and plot observations from a hierarchical data-generating process.
hierarchical_sim <-function(group_pop_mean, between_group_sd, within_group_sd, n_groups, n_obs_per_group ) {# Generate group means group_means <-rnorm(n = n_groups,mean = group_pop_mean,sd = between_group_sd )# Generate observations## Create an empty vector for observations y <-numeric()## Create a vector for the group identifier group <-rep(1:n_groups, each = n_obs_per_group)for (j in1:n_groups) {### Generate one group observations group_y <-rnorm(n = n_obs_per_group,mean = group_means[j],sd = within_group_sd )### Append the group observations to the vector y <-c(y, group_y) }# Combine into a data frame data <-data.frame(group =factor(group),y = y )# Plot the dataggplot(data, aes(x = y, y = group)) +geom_point() +geom_vline(xintercept = group_pop_mean, linetype ="dashed")}
Error in ggplot(data, aes(x = y, y = group)): could not find function "ggplot"
3 Sleep deprivation
The dataset sleepstudy is available by using the command data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
Below is some code for fitting a brms model. This model is a simple pooled model. You will need to fit a hierarchical model as explained in the assignment, but this code should help getting started.
Load the dataset
data(sleepstudy, package ="lme4")
Error in find.package(package, lib.loc, verbose = verbose): there is no package called 'lme4'
Predictions for a new school can be made using the posterior_epred function:
new_school <-data.frame(school =factor(1),district =factor(1),district_school =factor("1_1"),vi =0# the expectation of the prediction is not affected by the sampling variance, so this can be any number)schoolcalendar_post_epred <-posterior_epred( schoolcalendar_pooled_fit,newdata = new_school,allow_new_levels =TRUE )
It can be helpful to plot the posterior estimates. Here is a function that will do this:
---title: "Notebook for Assignment 7"author: "Aki Vehtari et al."format: html: toc: true code-tools: true code-line-numbers: true number-sections: true mainfont: Georgia, serifeditor: source---# General informationThis assignment relates to Lecture 7 and Chapter 5.We recommend using [JupyterHub]( (which has all the needed packages pre-installed).::: hint**Reading instructions:**- [**The reading instructions for BDA3 Chapter 5**](../BDA3_notes.html#ch5).:::{{< include includes/ >}}```{r}if (!require(tidybayes)) {install.packages("tidybayes")library(tidybayes)}if (!require(brms)) {install.packages("brms")library(brms)}if (!require(metadat)) {install.packages("metadat")library(metadat)}if(!require(cmdstanr)){install.packages("cmdstanr", repos =c("", getOption("repos")))library(cmdstanr)}cmdstan_installed <-function(){ res <-try(out <- cmdstanr::cmdstan_path(), silent =TRUE)!inherits(res, "try-error")}if(!cmdstan_installed()){install_cmdstan()}```# Simulation warm-upHere is the function to simulate and plot observations from ahierarchical data-generating process.```{r}hierarchical_sim <-function(group_pop_mean, between_group_sd, within_group_sd, n_groups, n_obs_per_group ) {# Generate group means group_means <-rnorm(n = n_groups,mean = group_pop_mean,sd = between_group_sd )# Generate observations## Create an empty vector for observations y <-numeric()## Create a vector for the group identifier group <-rep(1:n_groups, each = n_obs_per_group)for (j in1:n_groups) {### Generate one group observations group_y <-rnorm(n = n_obs_per_group,mean = group_means[j],sd = within_group_sd )### Append the group observations to the vector y <-c(y, group_y) }# Combine into a data frame data <-data.frame(group =factor(group),y = y )# Plot the dataggplot(data, aes(x = y, y = group)) +geom_point() +geom_vline(xintercept = group_pop_mean, linetype ="dashed")}```Example using the function:```{r}hierarchical_sim(group_pop_mean =50,between_group_sd =5,within_group_sd =1,n_groups =10,n_obs_per_group =5 )```# Sleep deprivationThe dataset `sleepstudy` is available by using the command`data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")`Below is some code for fitting a brms model. This model is a simplepooled model. You will need to fit a hierarchical model as explainedin the assignment, but this code should help getting started.Load the dataset```{r}data(sleepstudy, package ="lme4")```Specify the formula and observation family:```{r}#| eval: falsesleepstudy_pooled_formula <-bf( Reaction ~1+ Days,family ="gaussian",center =FALSE)```We can see the parameters and default priors with```{r}#| eval: falseget_prior(pooled_formula, data = sleepstudy)```We can then specify the priors:```{r}#| eval: false(sleepstudy_pooled_priors <-c(prior(normal(400, 100),class ="b",coef ="Intercept" ),prior(normal(0, 50),class ="b",coef ="Days" ),prior(normal(0, 50),class ="sigma" )))```And then fit the model:```{r}#| eval: falsesleepstudy_pooled_fit <-brm(formula = pooled_formula,prior = pooled_priors,data = sleepstudy)```We can inspect the model fit:```{r}#| eval: falsesummary(pooled_fit)```# School calendarMeta-analysis models can be fit in brms. When the standard error isknown, the `se()` function can be used to specify it.The dataset `dat.konstantopoulos2011` has the observations for the school calendar intervention meta-analysis.```{r}data(dat.konstantopoulos2011, package ="metadat")```As mentioned in the assignment instructions, a unique identifier forschool needs to be created by combining the district and school:```{r}#| eval: falseschoolcalendar_data <- dat.konstantopoulos2011 |> dplyr::mutate(school =factor(school),district =factor(district),district_school =interaction(district, school, drop =TRUE, sep ="_") )```Then the models can be fit```{r}#| eval: falseschoolcalendar_pooled_formula <-bf(formula = yi |se(sqrt(vi)) ~1,family ="gaussian") schoolcalendar_pooled_fit <-brm(formula = schoolcalendar_pooled_formula,data = schoolcalendar_data)```Predictions for a new school can be made using the `posterior_epred` function:```{r}#| eval: falsenew_school <-data.frame(school =factor(1),district =factor(1),district_school =factor("1_1"),vi =0# the expectation of the prediction is not affected by the sampling variance, so this can be any number)schoolcalendar_post_epred <-posterior_epred( schoolcalendar_pooled_fit,newdata = new_school,allow_new_levels =TRUE )```It can be helpful to plot the posterior estimates. Here is a function that will do this:```{r}#| eval: falseplot_school_posteriors <-function(fit, dataset) { tidybayes::add_predicted_draws(dataset, fit) |>ggplot(aes(x = .prediction,y =interaction(district, school, sep =", ", lex.order =TRUE))) + tidybayes::stat_halfeye() +ylab("District, school") +xlab("Posterior effect")}```And can be used as follows:```{r}#| eval: falseplot_school_posteriors(fit = schoolcalendar_pooled_fit,dataset = school_calendar_data)```