This assignment is related to Lecture 5 and Chapters 10 and 11.
If you are not using JupyterHub (which has all the needed packages pre-installed), and want to make the assignment on your own computer, you may use a docker container that includes all the necessary software packages, too.
For inspiration for code, have a look at the BDA R Demos and the specific Assignment code notebooks
Recommended additional self study exercises for each chapter in BDA3 are listed in the course web page. These will help to gain deeper understanding of the topic.
Deadlines for all assignments can be found on the course web page and in MyCourses.
You are allowed to discuss assignments with your friends, but it is not allowed to copy solutions directly from other students or from internet.
Do not share your answers publicly.
Do not copy answers from the internet or from previous years. We compare the answers to the answers from previous years and to the answers from other students this year.
If you have any suggestions or improvements to the course material, please post in the course chat feedback channel, create an issue, or submit a pull request to the public repository!
The following will set-up markmyassignment to check your functions at the end of the notebook:
- Online documentation and vignettes at
- bayesplot theme set to bayesplot::theme_default()
* Does _not_ affect other ggplot2 plots
* See ?bayesplot_theme_set for details on theme setting
Attaching package: 'bayesplot'
The following object is masked from 'package:posterior':
2 Generalized linear model: Bioassay model with Metropolis algorithm
Metropolis algorithm: Replicate the computations for the bioassay example of BDA3 Section 3.7 using the Metropolis algorithm. The Metropolis algorithm is described in BDA3 Chapter 11.2. More information on the bioassay data can be found in Section 3.7 in BDA3, and in Chapter 3 notes.
Below you are given a code that implements Metropolis algorithm. It contains two functions - density ratio that computes ratio of joint distributions using log densities and metropolis_bioassay that performs sampling. Reasons behind using log densities are explained on BDA3 page 261 and Lecture video 4.1. Remember that \(p_1/p_0=\exp(\log(p_1)-\log(p_0))\). We use the Gaussian prior as in Assignment 4, that is \[
\alpha \\ \beta
\text{N} \left( \mu_0, \Sigma_0 \right), \qquad
\text{where} \quad
\mu_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 10 \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{and} \quad
\Sigma_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 2^2 & 12 \\ 12 & 10^2 \end{bmatrix}.
However, this code contains 3 errors. The lines with errors are marked as:
### error x### error x
Your task is to find these errors, correct them and answer corresponding questions in MyCourses. Note that bioassaylp() from aaltobda package evaluates the log-likelihood for given \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). As for proposal distribution we used simple normal distributions \(\alpha^* \sim N(\alpha_{t-1}, \sigma = \alpha_\sigma)\) and \(\beta^* \sim N(\beta_{t-1}, \sigma = \beta_\sigma)\). Efficient proposals are discussed in BDA3 p. 295–297 (not part of the course). In real-life a pre-run could be made with an automatic adaptive control to adapt the proposal distribution.
# To compute this, first convert to a draws_df objectnames(df_combined_samples)[names(df_combined_samples) =='Chain'] <-'.chain'draws <-as_draws_df(df_combined_samples)# You can get what you need from this summarysummarise_draws(draws, Rhat=rhat_basic, ESS= ess_mean, ~ess_quantile(.x, probs =0.25))
Plot the draws for \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) (scatter plot). You can compare the results to BDA3 Figure 3.3b to verify that your code gives sensible results. Notice though that the results in Figure 3.3b are generated from the posterior with a uniform prior, so even when if your algorithm works perfectly, the results will look slightly different (although fairly similar).
---title: "Notebook for Assignment 5"author: "Aki Vehtari et al."format: html: toc: true code-tools: true code-line-numbers: true number-sections: true mainfont: Georgia, serifeditor: source ---# General informationThis assignment is related to Lecture 5 and Chapters 10 and 11.If you are not using [JupyterHub]( (which has all the needed packages pre-installed), and want to make the assignment on your own computer, you may use a [docker container](docker.html) that includes all the necessary software packages, too.::: hint**Reading instructions:**- [**The reading instructions for BDA3 Chapter 10**](../BDA3_notes.html#ch10).- [**The reading instructions for BDA3 Chapter 11**](../BDA3_notes.html#ch11).:::{{< include includes/ >}}::: {.callout-warning collapse="false"}## SetupThe following will set-up [`markmyassignment`]( to check your functions at the end of the notebook:```{r}if(!require(markmyassignment)){install.packages("markmyassignment")library(markmyassignment)}assignment_path =paste("","blob/master/tests/assignment5.yml", sep="")set_assignment(assignment_path)```The following installs and loads the `aaltobda` package:```{r}if(!require(aaltobda)){install.packages("aaltobda", repos =c("", getOption("repos")))library(aaltobda)}```The following installs and loads the [`latex2exp` package](, which allows us to use LaTeX in plots:```{r}if(!require(latex2exp)){install.packages("latex2exp")library(latex2exp)}```The following installs and loads the [`posterior` package]( which imports the `rhat_basic()` function:```{r}if(!require(posterior)){install.packages("posterior")library(posterior)}```The following installs and loads the [`ggplot2` package]( and the [`bayesplot` package](```{r}if(!require(ggplot2)){install.packages("ggplot2")library(ggplot2)}if(!require(bayesplot)){install.packages("bayesplot")library(bayesplot)}```:::# Generalized linear model: Bioassay model with Metropolis algorithmMetropolis algorithm: Replicate the computations for the bioassay example of BDA3 Section 3.7 using the Metropolis algorithm. The Metropolis algorithm is described in BDA3 Chapter 11.2. More information on the bioassay data can be found in Section 3.7 in BDA3, and in [**Chapter 3 notes**](../BDA3_notes.html#ch3).Below you are given a code that implements Metropolis algorithm. It contains two functions - density ratio that computes ratio of joint distributions using log densities and metropolis_bioassay that performs sampling. Reasons behind using log densities are explained on BDA3 page 261 and Lecture video 4.1. Remember that $p_1/p_0=\exp(\log(p_1)-\log(p_0))$. We use the Gaussian prior as in Assignment 4, that is $$\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha \\ \beta \end{bmatrix} \sim \text{N} \left( \mu_0, \Sigma_0 \right), \qquad \text{where} \quad \mu_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 10 \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{and} \quad \Sigma_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 2^2 & 12 \\ 12 & 10^2 \end{bmatrix}.\end{aligned}$$However, this code contains 3 errors. The lines with errors are marked as:```{r}### error x### error x```Your task is to find these errors, correct them and answer corresponding questions in MyCourses. Note that `bioassaylp()` from `aaltobda` package evaluates the log-likelihood for given $\alpha$ and $\beta$. As for proposal distribution we used simple normal distributions $\alpha^* \sim N(\alpha_{t-1}, \sigma = \alpha_\sigma)$ and $\beta^* \sim N(\beta_{t-1}, \sigma = \beta_\sigma)$. Efficient proposals are discussed in BDA3 p. 295--297 (not part of the course). In real-life a pre-run could be made with an automatic adaptive control to adapt the proposal distribution.```{r}data("bioassay")density_ratio <-function(alpha_propose, alpha_previous, beta_propose, beta_previous, x, y, n){ prior_mean =c(0, 10) prior_sigma =cbind(c(4, 12), c(12, 100))### error 1bioassaylp(alpha_propose, beta_propose, x, y, n)-bioassaylp(alpha_previous, beta_previous, x, y, n)+dmvnorm(c(alpha_propose, beta_propose), prior_mean, prior_sigma, TRUE)-dmvnorm(c(alpha_previous, beta_previous), prior_mean, prior_sigma, TRUE)### error 1}metropolis_bioassay <-function(alpha_initial, beta_initial, alpha_sigma, beta_sigma, no_draws, warmup_len, x, y, n, chain_number){data.frame(alpha=c(alpha_initial, alpha_initial+alpha_sigma, alpha_initial-alpha_sigma),beta=c(beta_initial, beta_initial+beta_sigma, beta_initial-beta_sigma) ) alpha_previous = alpha_initial beta_previous = beta_initial alpha_rv =c() beta_rv =c()for(draw in1:no_draws){ alpha_propose =rnorm(1, alpha_previous, alpha_sigma) beta_propose =rnorm(1, beta_previous, beta_sigma)### error 2if(runif(1) >density_ratio(alpha_propose, alpha_previous, beta_propose, beta_previous, x, y, n))### error 2 { alpha_previous = alpha_propose beta_previous = beta_propose }### error 3 alpha_rv =c(alpha_rv, alpha_propose) beta_rv =c(beta_rv, beta_propose)### error 3 }data.frame(alpha=tail(alpha_rv,warmup_len), beta=tail(beta_rv, warmup_len), Chain=rep(chain_number, each=no_draws - warmup_len))}``````{r}set.seed(4911)df_chain1 =metropolis_bioassay(0, 0, 1, 1, 3000, 1000, bioassay$x, bioassay$y, bioassay$n, 1)df_chain2 =metropolis_bioassay(1, 1, 1, 1, 3000, 1000, bioassay$x, bioassay$y, bioassay$n, 2)df_chain3 =metropolis_bioassay(1, 5, 1, 1, 3000, 1000, bioassay$x, bioassay$y, bioassay$n, 3)df_chain4 =metropolis_bioassay(5, 3, 1, 1, 3000, 1000, bioassay$x, bioassay$y, bioassay$n, 4)df_combined_samples <-rbind(df_chain1, df_chain2, df_chain3, df_chain4)```Visualize trace plots with the code below. Have a look at [`bayesplot` trace plot examples]( and tune your plot if wanted.```{r}# Useful functions: mcmc_trace (from bayesplot)mcmc_trace(df_combined_samples, pars=c("alpha", "beta")) +scale_colour_manual(values=c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))```After looking at trace plots, compute Rhat values for both alpha and beta, along with the `ess_mean` as well as ess_quantile for the 25th quantile. If you're unsure about the below, [this demo provides more details on how to use the posterior and bayesplot package](```{r}# To compute this, first convert to a draws_df objectnames(df_combined_samples)[names(df_combined_samples) =='Chain'] <-'.chain'draws <-as_draws_df(df_combined_samples)# You can get what you need from this summarysummarise_draws(draws, Rhat=rhat_basic, ESS= ess_mean, ~ess_quantile(.x, probs =0.25))```Plot the draws for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ (scatter plot). You can compare the results to BDA3 Figure 3.3b to verify that your code gives sensible results. Notice though that the results in Figure 3.3b are generated from the posterior with a uniform prior, so even when if your algorithm works perfectly, the results will look slightly different (although fairly similar).```{r}# Useful functions: mcmc_scatter (from bayesplot)```