Code and figures for ChileSchools example. See Chapter 21 in Regression and Other Stories.
Data are from
The outcomes in these analyses are the gain scores between 88 and 92.
chile <- read.csv(root("ChileSchools/data","chile.csv"))
print(head(chile), digits=3)
p90 cmb_regn urban88 rule2 cutoff cutoff_cmb eligible read92 read88
1 0 Regions 2,5,10 1 3.415 49.4 49.4 0 57.0 54.4
2 0 Regions 6,8 1 31.815 43.4 43.4 0 85.5 79.1
3 0 Regions 6,8 1 4.445 43.4 43.4 0 52.0 47.8
4 0 Region 13 1 16.800 46.4 46.4 0 66.4 65.1
5 0 Regions 2,5,10 1 0.095 49.4 49.4 0 52.5 49.3
6 1 Region 13 1 -2.030 46.4 46.4 1 55.3 50.5
math92 math88
1 67.1 51.3
2 84.7 71.4
3 53.3 47.9
4 56.4 61.3
5 50.9 49.7
6 59.0 38.2
fit_1a <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2, data=chile, refresh=0)
fit_1b <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2, data=chile, subset = abs(rule2)<5, refresh=0)
fit_2b <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + eligible:rule2, data=chile, subset = abs(rule2)<5, refresh=0)
fit_3a <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88 + math88, data=chile, refresh=0)
fit_3b <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88 + math88, data=chile, subset = abs(rule2)<5, refresh=0)
chile$z_read88 <- (chile$read88 - mean(chile$read88))/sd(chile$read88)
chile$z_math88 <- (chile$math88 - mean(chile$math88))/sd(chile$math88)
fit_5a <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + z_read88 + z_math88 + eligible:z_read88, data=chile, refresh=0)
fit_5b <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + z_read88 + z_math88 + eligible:z_read88, data=chile, subset = abs(rule2)<5, refresh=0)
whiteline <- function(a, b, from=-1000, to=1000){
curve(a + b*x, from=from, to=to, col="white", lwd=4, add=TRUE)
curve(a + b*x, from=from, to=to, lwd=2, add=TRUE)
par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.7, .5, 0), tck=-.01)
yy <- chile$read92
xx <- chile$rule2
plot(y=yy, x=xx, type="n",
xlab="Assignment variable",
ylab="Post-test", bty="l", yaxt="n")
axis(2, seq(0,100,20))
whiteline(coef(fit_1a)[1], coef(fit_1a)[3], from=0)
whiteline(coef(fit_1a)[1] + coef(fit_1a)[2], coef(fit_1a)[3], to=0)
abline(v=0, lwd=4, col="gray")
mtext("All the data", 3, 1)
par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.7, .5, 0), tck=-.01)
yy <- chile$read92
xx <- chile$rule2
plot(y=yy, x=xx, type="n",
xlab="Assignment variable",
ylab="Post-test", bty="l", yaxt="n", xlim=c(-5,5), xaxs="i")
axis(2, seq(0,100,20))
whiteline(coef(fit_1b)[1], coef(fit_1b)[3], from=0)
whiteline(coef(fit_1b)[1] + coef(fit_1b)[2], coef(fit_1b)[3], to=0)
abline(v=0, lwd=4, col="gray")
mtext("Restricting to data near the cutoff", 3, 1)
par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.7, .5, 0), tck=-.01)
yy <- chile$read92
xx <- chile$rule2
plot(y=yy, x=xx, type="n",
xlab="Assignment variable",
ylab="Ppst-test", bty="l", yaxt="n", xlim=c(-5,5), xaxs="i")
axis(2, seq(0,100,20))
whiteline(coef(fit_2b)[1], coef(fit_2b)[3], from=0)
whiteline(coef(fit_2b)[1] + coef(fit_2b)[2], coef(fit_2b)[3] + coef(fit_2b)[4], to=0)
abline(v=0, lwd=4, col="gray")
mtext("Model with interaction", 3, 1)
par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.7, .5, 0), tck=-.01)
yy <- chile$read92 - coef(fit_3b)[4] * (chile$read88 - mean(chile$read88)) - coef(fit_3b)[5] * (chile$math88 - mean(chile$math88))
xx <- chile$rule2
plot(y=yy, x=xx, type="n",
xlab="Assignment variable",
ylab="Adjusted outcome", bty="l", yaxt="n", xlim=c(-5,5), xaxs="i")
axis(2, seq(-100,100,20))
whiteline(coef(fit_3b)[1] + coef(fit_3b)[4] *mean(chile$read88) + coef(fit_3b)[5] *mean(chile$math88), coef(fit_3b)[3], from=0)
whiteline(coef(fit_3b)[1] + coef(fit_3b)[4] *mean(chile$read88) + coef(fit_3b)[5] *mean(chile$math88) + coef(fit_3b)[2], coef(fit_3b)[3], to=0)
abline(v=0, lwd=4, col="gray")
mtext("Adjusting for pre-test scores", 3, 1)
par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.7, .5, 0), tck=-.01)
yy <- chile$read92 - coef(fit_3b)[4] * (chile$read88 - mean(chile$read88)) - coef(fit_3b)[5] * (chile$math88 - mean(chile$math88))
xx <- chile$rule2
n_bins <- 20
n <- length(xx)
halfwidth <- 5
cutpoints <- c(seq(-halfwidth, halfwidth, length=n_bins+1))
xx_bin <- rep(NA, n_bins)
yy_bin <- rep(NA, n_bins)
for (i in 1:n_bins){
keep <- xx > cutpoints[i] & xx <= cutpoints[i+1]
xx_bin[i] <- mean(xx[keep])
yy_bin[i] <- mean(yy[keep])
plot(y=yy_bin, x=xx_bin, type="n",
xlab="Assignment variable",
ylab="Adjusted outcome", bty="l", yaxt="n", xlim=c(-halfwidth, halfwidth), xaxs="i")
axis(2, seq(-100,100,1))
points(xx_bin[xx_bin>0], yy_bin[xx_bin>0],pch=20,
cex=2, col="gray60")
points(xx_bin[xx_bin<0], yy_bin[xx_bin<0],pch=20,
whiteline(coef(fit_3b)[1] + coef(fit_3b)[4] *mean(chile$read88) + coef(fit_3b)[5] *mean(chile$math88), coef(fit_3b)[3], from=0)
whiteline(coef(fit_3b)[1] + coef(fit_3b)[4] *mean(chile$read88) + coef(fit_3b)[5] *mean(chile$math88) + coef(fit_3b)[2], coef(fit_3b)[3], to=0)
abline(v=0, lwd=4, col="gray")
mtext("Binned averages with same regression lines", 3, 1)
mean(chile$p90[chile$eligible==0 & abs(chile$rule2) < 5]) # .053
[1] 0.05333333
mean(chile$p90[chile$eligible==1 & abs(chile$rule2) < 5]) # .606
[1] 0.6061453
# with brms as in IV section earlier in the chapter
chile$diff_read92 <- chile$read92 - chile$read88
rd_f1 <- bf(p90 ~ eligible)
rd_f2 <- bf(diff_read92 ~ p90)
IV_brm_rd <- brm(formula=rd_f1 + rd_f2, data = chile[abs(chile$rule2) < 5,])
print(IV_brm_rd, digits=3)
Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian)
Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: p90 ~ eligible
diff_read92 ~ p90
Data: chile[abs(chile$rule2) < 5, ] (Number of observations: 883)
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
total post-warmup samples = 4000
Population-Level Effects:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
p90_Intercept 0.054 0.016 0.023 0.084 1.000 4812
diffread92_Intercept 10.944 0.341 10.271 11.594 1.001 2611
p90_eligible 0.552 0.025 0.502 0.600 1.000 4484
diffread92_p90 5.065 0.876 3.347 6.749 1.002 2329
p90_Intercept 2873
diffread92_Intercept 2584
p90_eligible 2840
diffread92_p90 2602
Family Specific Parameters:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_p90 0.357 0.009 0.341 0.375 1.001 4718 2808
sigma_diffread92 7.123 0.176 6.786 7.484 1.001 3478 3244
Residual Correlations:
Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
rescor(p90,diffread92) -0.182 0.053 -0.282 -0.073 1.001 2524
rescor(p90,diffread92) 2733
Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
# t.e. is 5.08 with s.e. of .90
summary(ivreg(formula = diff_read92 ~ p90 | eligible, data=chile, subset = abs(rule2) < 5))
ivreg(formula = diff_read92 ~ p90 | eligible, data = chile, subset = abs(rule2) <
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-33.8471 -4.3416 0.1009 4.6948 25.7337
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 10.9411 0.3421 31.981 < 2e-16 ***
p90 5.0871 0.8814 5.771 1.09e-08 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 7.109 on 881 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.009344, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00822
Wald test: 33.31 on 1 and 881 DF, p-value: 1.088e-08
# est is 5.09 with s.e. of .88