Bayesian data analysis - BRMS demos


Aki Vehtari





1 Introduction

This notebook contains several examples of how to use Stan in R with brms. This notebook assumes basic knowledge of Bayesian inference and MCMC. The examples are related to Bayesian data analysis course.

Load packages

options(brms.backend = "cmdstanr", mc.cores = 2)
options(pillar.negative = FALSE)
theme_set(bayesplot::theme_default(base_family = "sans", base_size=14))
options(tinytable_format_num_fmt = "significant_cell", tinytable_format_digits = 2, tinytable_tt_digits=2)
SEED <- 48927 # set random seed for reproducibility

2 Bernoulli model

Toy data with sequence of failures (0) and successes (1). We would like to learn about the unknown probability of success. brms wants the data in a data frame format (tibble which is a variant of data frame can be used, too).

data_bern <- data.frame(y = c(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0))

As usual in case of generalized linear models, (GLMs) brms defines the priors on the latent model parameters. With Bernoulli the default link function is logit, and thus the prior is set on logit(theta). As there are no covariates logit(theta)=Intercept. The brms default prior for Intercept is student_t(3, 0, 2.5), but we use student_t(7, 0, 1.5) which is close to logistic distribution, and thus makes the prior near-uniform for theta. We can simulate from these priors to check the implied prior on theta. We next compare the result to using normal(0, 1) prior on logit probability. We visualize the implied priors by sampling from the priors.

plogis is the cumulative density function for logistic distribution, which is equal to inverse-logit transformation. Base-R’s Student’s t-distribution does not have mu and sigma arguments, and thus we use a function from ggdist package.

data.frame(theta = plogis(ggdist::rstudent_t(n=20000, df=3, mu=0, sigma=2.5))) |>
  mcmc_hist() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  labs(title='Default brms student_t(3, 0, 2.5) for Intercept')

data.frame(theta = plogis(ggdist::rstudent_t(n=20000, df=7, mu=0, sigma=1.5))) |>
  mcmc_hist() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  labs(title='student_t(7, 0, 1.5) for Intercept')

Almost uniform prior on theta could be obtained also with normal(0,1.5)

data.frame(theta = plogis(rnorm(n=20000, mean=0, sd=1.5))) |>
  mcmc_hist() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  labs(title='normal(0, 1.5) for Intercept')

Formula y ~ 1 corresponds to a model \mathrm{logit}(\theta) = \alpha\times 1 = \alpha. brms denotes the \alpha as Intercept.

fit_bern <- brm(y ~ 1, family = bernoulli(), data = data_bern,
                prior = prior(student_t(7, 0, 1.5), class='Intercept'),
                seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: bernoulli 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: y ~ 1 
   Data: data_bern (Number of observations: 10) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept     0.76      0.64    -0.45     2.05 1.00     1602     1574

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Extract the posterior draws in data frame (df) format

draws <- as_draws_df(fit_bern)

We can select subset of stored variables with subset_draws() and get summary information using summarise_draws()

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_Intercept') |>
# A tibble: 1 × 10
  variable     mean median    sd   mad    q5   q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
  <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 b_Intercept  0.76   0.73  0.64  0.62 -0.27  1.85  1.00  1601.73  1573.87

We get a prettier table using tinytable::tt(). Earlier we had defined options

options(tinytable_format_num_fmt = "significant_cell",
        tinytable_format_digits = 2,

which makes the table to show only 2 significant digits for each value, which is sufficient accuracy and having fewer digits makes the table easier to read.

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_Intercept') |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b_Intercept 0.76 0.73 0.64 0.62 -0.27 1.9 1 1602 1574

We can compute the probability of success by using plogis which is equal to inverse-logit function

draws <- draws |>

Summary of theta

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='theta') |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
theta 0.67 0.67 0.13 0.13 0.43 0.86 1 1602 1574

Histogram of theta using bayesplot::mcmc_hist()

mcmc_hist(draws, pars='theta') +
  xlab('theta') +

Prior and likelihood sensitivity plot shows posterior density estimate depending on amount of power-scaling. Overlapping lines indicate low sensitivity and wider gaps between lines indicate greater sensitivity.

powerscale_plot_dens(draws, fit=fit_bern, variable='theta',
                     help_text=FALSE) +

We can summarise the prior and likelihood sensitivity using cumulative Jensen-Shannon distance.

powerscale_sensitivity(draws, fit=fit_bern, variable="theta") |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
theta 0.041 0.11 -

3 Binomial model

Instead of sequence of 0’s and 1’s, we can summarize the data with the number of trials and the number successes and use Binomial model. The prior is specified in the ‘latent space’. The actual probability of success, theta = plogis(alpha), where plogis is the inverse of the logistic function.

Binomial model with the same data and prior

data_bin <- data.frame(N = c(10), y = c(7))

Formula y | trials(N) ~ 1 corresponds to a model \mathrm{logit}(\theta) = \alpha, and the number of trials for each observation is provided by | trials(N)

fit_bin <- brm(y | trials(N) ~ 1, family = binomial(), data = data_bin,
               prior = prior(student_t(7, 0,1.5), class='Intercept'),
               seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: y | trials(N) ~ 1 
   Data: data_bin (Number of observations: 1) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept     0.75      0.63    -0.44     2.05 1.00     1330     1429

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Extract the posterior draws in data frame format

draws <- as_draws_df(fit_bin)

Summary of latent intercept

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_Intercept') |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b_Intercept 0.75 0.73 0.63 0.62 -0.25 1.8 1 1330 1429

We can compute the probability of success by using plogis() which is equal to inverse-logit function

draws <- draws |>

Summary of theta

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='theta') |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
theta 0.66 0.67 0.13 0.13 0.44 0.86 1 1330 1429

Histogram of theta

mcmc_hist(draws, pars='theta') +
  xlab('theta') +

Re-run the model with a new data dataset without recompiling using argument newdata.

data_bin <- data.frame(N = c(5), y = c(4))
fit_bin <- update(fit_bin, newdata = data_bin)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: y | trials(N) ~ 1 
   Data: data_bin (Number of observations: 1) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept     1.07      0.92    -0.54     2.95 1.00     1317     1454

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Extract the posterior draws in data frame format

draws <- as_draws_df(fit_bin)

Summary of latent intercept

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_Intercept') |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b_Intercept 1.1 1 0.92 0.86 -0.29 2.6 1 1317 1454

We can compute the probability of success by using plogis() which is equal to inverse-logit function

draws <- draws |>

Summary of theta

draws |>
  subset_draws(variable='theta') |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
theta 0.71 0.73 0.16 0.16 0.43 0.93 1 1317 1454

Histogram of theta

mcmc_hist(draws, pars='theta') +
  xlab('theta') +

4 Comparison of two groups with Binomial

An experiment was performed to estimate the effect of beta-blockers on mortality of cardiac patients. A group of patients were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups:

  • out of 674 patients receiving the control, 39 died
  • out of 680 receiving the treatment, 22 died

Data, where grp2 is an indicator variable defined as a factor type (using factor() function), which is useful for categorical variables.

data_bin2 <- data.frame(N = c(674, 680),
                        y = c(39,22),
                        grp2 = factor(c('control','treatment')))

To analyse whether the treatment is useful, we can use Binomial model for both groups and compute odds-ratio. To recreate the model as two independent (separate) binomial models, we use formula y | trials(N) ~ 0 + grp2, which corresponds to a model \mathrm{logit}(\theta) = \alpha \times 0 + \beta_\mathrm{control}\times x_\mathrm{control} + \beta_\mathrm{treatment}\times x_\mathrm{treatment} = \beta_\mathrm{control}\times x_\mathrm{control} + \beta_\mathrm{treatment}\times x_\mathrm{treatment}, where x_\mathrm{control} is a vector with 1 for control and 0 for treatment, and x_\mathrm{treatment} is a vector with 1 for treatment and 0 for control. As only of the vectors have 1, this corresponds to separate models \mathrm{logit}(\theta_\mathrm{control}) = \beta_\mathrm{control} and \mathrm{logit}(\theta_\mathrm{treatment}) = \beta_\mathrm{treatment}. We can provide the same prior for all \beta’s by setting the prior with class='b'. With prior student_t(7, 0,1.5), both \beta’s are shrunk towards 0, but independently.

fit_bin2 <- brm(y | trials(N) ~ 0 + grp2, family = binomial(),
                data = data_bin2,
                prior = prior(student_t(7, 0,1.5), class='b'),
                seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics. With ~ 0 + grp2 there is no Intercept and and are presented as grp2control and grp2treatment.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: y | trials(N) ~ 0 + grp2 
   Data: data_bin2 (Number of observations: 2) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
grp2control      -2.78      0.16    -3.11    -2.48 1.00     3187     2678
grp2treatment    -3.37      0.21    -3.80    -2.97 1.00     2525     2312

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Compute theta for each group and the odds-ratio. brms uses variable names b_grp2control and b_grp2treatment for \beta_\mathrm{control} and \beta_\mathrm{treatment} respectively.

draws_bin2 <- as_draws_df(fit_bin2) |>
  mutate(theta_control = plogis(b_grp2control),
         theta_treatment = plogis(b_grp2treatment),
         oddsratio = (theta_treatment/(1-theta_treatment))/(theta_control/(1-theta_control)))

Plot histogram of odds-ratio

mcmc_hist(draws_bin2, pars='oddsratio') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype='dashed')

Compute probability that the oddsratio<1 and associated Monte Carlo standard error (MCSE). To compute the probability we use comparison oddsratio<1 to find out for which posterior draws this is true, and when we compute mean over TRUE and FALSE values, these values are converted to 1 and 0, and the mean() is then equal to the proportion of 1’s. The usual MCSE estimate for mean can be use to get the MCSE for this proportion.

draws_bin2 |>
  mutate(poddsratio = oddsratio<1) |>
  subset(variable='poddsratio') |>
  summarise_draws(mean, mcse_mean)  |>
variable mean mcse_mean
poddsratio 0.99 0.0017

Compute odds-ratio 95% posterior interval, and associated MCSEs

draws_bin2 |>
  subset(variable='oddsratio') |>
  summarise_draws(~quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), ~mcse_quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))) |>
variable 2.5% 97.5% mcse_q2.5 mcse_q97.5
oddsratio 0.33 0.92 0.004 0.016

Make prior sensitivity analysis by power-scaling both prior and likelihood. Focus on odds-ratio which is the quantity of interest. We see that the likelihood is much more informative than the prior, and we would expect to see a different posterior only with a highly informative prior (possibly based on previous similar experiments). Prior and likelihood sensitivity plot shows posterior density estimate depending on amount of power-scaling. Overlapping lines indicate low sensitivity and wider gaps between lines indicate greater sensitivity.

powerscale_plot_dens(draws_bin2, fit=fit_bin2, variable='oddsratio',
                     help_text=FALSE) +
  labs(x='Odds-ratio', y=NULL) +
  # reference line
  geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype='dashed')

We can summarise the prior and likelihood sensitivity using cumulative Jensen-Shannon distance. Here we prefer to show 2 decimal digits (instead of the 2 significant digits we used before)

powerscale_sensitivity(draws_bin2, fit=fit_bin2, variable='oddsratio')  |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
oddsratio 0.01 0.13 -

Above we used formula y | trials(N) ~ 0 + grp2 to have separate model for control and treatment group. An alternative model y | trials(N) ~ grp2 which is equal to y | trials(N) ~ 1 + grp2, would correspond to a model \mathrm{logit}(\theta) = \alpha \times 1 + \beta_\mathrm{treatment}\times x_\mathrm{treatment} = \alpha + \beta_\mathrm{treatment}\times x_\mathrm{treatment}. Now \alpha models the probability of death (via logistic link) in the control group and \alpha + \beta_\mathrm{treatment} models the probability of death (via logistic link) in the treatment group. Now the models for the groups are connected. Furthermore, if we set independent student_t(7, 0, 1.5) priors on \alpha and \beta_\mathrm{treatment}, the implied priors on \theta_\mathrm{control} and \theta_\mathrm{treatment} are different. We can verify this with a prior simulation.

data.frame(theta_control = plogis(ggdist::rstudent_t(n=20000, df=7, mu=0, sigma=1.5))) |>
  mcmc_hist() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  labs(title='student_t(7, 0, 1.5) for Intercept') +
  data.frame(theta_treatment = plogis(ggdist::rstudent_t(n=20000, df=7, mu=0, sigma=1.5))+
               plogis(ggdist::rstudent_t(n=20000, df=7, mu=0, sigma=1.5))) |>
  mcmc_hist() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  labs(title='student_t(7, 0, 1.5) for Intercept and b_grp2treatment')

In this case, with relatively big treatment and control group, the likelihood is informative, and the difference between using y | trials(N) ~ 0 + grp2 or y | trials(N) ~ grp2 is negligible.

Third option would be a hierarchical model with formula y | trials(N) ~ 1 + (1 | grp2), which is equivalent to y | trials(N) ~ 1 + (1 | grp2), and corresponds to a model \mathrm{logit}(\theta) = \alpha \times 1 + \beta_\mathrm{control}\times x_\mathrm{control} + \beta_\mathrm{treatment}\times x_\mathrm{treatment}, but now the prior on \beta_\mathrm{control} and \beta_\mathrm{treatment} is \mathrm{normal}(0, \sigma_\mathrm{grp}). The default brms prior for \sigma_\mathrm{grp} is student_t(3, 0, 2.5). Now \alpha models the overall probability of death (via logistic link), and \beta_\mathrm{control} and \beta_\mathrm{treatment} model the difference from that having the same prior. Prior for \beta_\mathrm{control} and \beta_\mathrm{treatment} includes unknown scale \sigma_\mathrm{grp}. If the there is not difference between control and treatment groups, the posterior of \sigma_\mathrm{grp} has more mass near 0, and bigger the difference between control and treatment groups are, more mass there is away from 0. With just two groups, there is not much information about \sigma_\mathrm{grp}, and unless there is a informative prior on \sigma_\mathrm{grp}, two group hierarchical model is not that useful. Hierarchical models are more useful with more than two groups. In the following, we use the previously used student_t(7, 0,1.5) prior on intercept and the default brms prior student_t(3, 0, 2.5) on \sigma_\mathrm{grp}.

fit_bin2 <- brm(y | trials(N) ~ 1 + (1 | grp2), family = binomial(),
                data = data_bin2,
                prior = prior(student_t(7, 0,1.5), class='Intercept'),
                seed = SEED, refresh = 0, control=list(adapt_delta=0.99))

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics. The summary reports that there are Group-Level Effects: ~grp2 with 2 levels (control and treatment), with sd(Intercept) denoting \sigma_\mathrm{grp}. In addition, the summary lists Population-Level Effects: Intercept (\alpha) as in the previous non-hierarchical models.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: y | trials(N) ~ 1 + (1 | grp2) 
   Data: data_bin2 (Number of observations: 2) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Multilevel Hyperparameters:
~grp2 (Number of levels: 2) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)     1.63      1.58     0.12     5.95 1.01      480      752

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept    -2.24      1.21    -3.90     0.74 1.01      542      813

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

We can also look at the variable names brms uses internally. We exclude variables lprior (log prior density) and lp__ (log posterior density).

as_draws_rvars(fit_bin2) |>
  subset_draws(variable=c('lprior','lp__'), exclude=TRUE) |>
  summarise_draws() |>
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b_Intercept -2.2 -2.6 1.2 0.87 -3.6 0.29 1 542 813
sd_grp2__Intercept 1.6 1.2 1.6 1 0.19 4.6 1 480 752
Intercept -2.2 -2.6 1.2 0.87 -3.6 0.29 1 542 813
r_grp2[control,Intercept] -0.57 -0.2 1.2 0.83 -3.1 0.8 1 600 858
r_grp2[treatment,Intercept] -1.1 -0.77 1.2 0.94 -3.7 0.27 1 493 909

Although there is no difference, illustrate how to compute the oddsratio from a hierarchical model.

draws_bin2 <- as_draws_df(fit_bin2) |>
  mutate_variables(theta_control = plogis(b_Intercept + `r_grp2[control,Intercept]`),
                   theta_treatment = plogis(b_Intercept + `r_grp2[treatment,Intercept]`),
                   oddsratio = (theta_treatment/(1-theta_treatment))/(theta_control/(1-theta_control)))

draws_bin2 |> mcmc_hist(pars="oddsratio") +
  geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype='dashed')

Make also prior sensitivity analysis with focus on odds-ratio.

powerscale_sensitivity(draws_bin2, fit=fit_bin2, variable='oddsratio')  |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
oddsratio 0.01 0.14 -

5 Linear Gaussian model

Use the Kilpisjärvi summer month temperatures 1952–2022 data from aaltobda package. We can read data directly from a URL.

data_lin <- data.frame(year = kilpisjarvi2022$year,
                       temp = kilpisjarvi2022$temp.summer)

Plot the data

data_lin |>
  ggplot(aes(year, temp)) +
  geom_point(color=2) +
  labs(x= "Year", y = 'Summer temp. @Kilpisjärvi') +
  guides(linetype = "none")

To analyse whether there has been change in the average summer month temperature we use a linear model with Gaussian model for the unexplained variation. By default brms uses uniform prior for the coefficients.

Formula temp ~ year corresponds to model \mathrm{temp} ~ \mathrm{normal}(\alpha + \beta \times \mathrm{temp}, \sigma). The model could also be defined as temp ~ 1 + year which explicitly shows the intercept (\alpha) part. Using the variable names brms uses the model can be written also as \mathrm{temp} \sim \mathrm{normal}(\mathrm{b\_Intercept}*1 + \mathrm{b\_year}*\mathrm{year}, \mathrm{sigma}) We start with the default priors to see some tricks that brms does behind the curtain.

fit_lin <- brm(temp ~ year, data = data_lin, family = gaussian(),
               seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: temp ~ year 
   Data: data_lin (Number of observations: 71) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept   -34.91     12.75   -60.01    -9.65 1.00     3675     2945
year          0.02      0.01     0.01     0.03 1.00     3679     2859

Further Distributional Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma     1.08      0.09     0.92     1.28 1.00     3346     2610

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Convergence diagnostics look good. We see that posterior mean of Intercept is -34.7, which may sound strange, but that is the intercept at year 0, that is, very far from the data range, and thus doesn’t have meaningful interpretation directly. The posterior mean of year coefficient is 0.02, that is, we estimate that the summer temperature is increasing 0.02°C per year (which would make 1°C in 50 years).

We can check R^2 which corresponds to the proportion of variance explained by the model. The linear model explains 0.16=16% of the total data variance.

bayes_R2(fit_lin) |>
  as_tibble() |>
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
0.16 0.071 0.032 0.31

We can check the all the priors used with prior_summary()

prior_summary(fit_lin) |>
prior class coef group resp dpar nlpar lb ub source
b default
b year default
student_t(3, 9.5, 2.5) Intercept default
student_t(3, 0, 2.5) sigma 0 default

We see that class=b and coef=year have prior flat, that is, improper uniform prior, Intercept has student_t(3, 9.5, 2.5), and sigma has student_t(3, 0, 2.5) prior. In general it is good to use proper priors, but sometimes flat priors are fine and produce proper posterior (like in this case). Important part here is that by default, brms sets the prior on Intercept after centering the covariate values (design matrix). In this case, brms centers the covariate year by subracting the mean year (1987), and does the regression on centered covariate year-1987. This in general improves the sampling efficiency. The Intercept is now defined at the mean year, and by default brms uses a weak proper prior on Intercept centered on median of the target (year). If we would like to set informative priors, we need to set the informative prior on Intercept given the centered covariate values.

Sometimes we prefer to turn of the automatic centering, and we can do that by replacing the formula with bf(temp ~ year, center=FALSE). Or we can set the prior on original intercept by using a formula temp ~ 0 + Intercept + year.

In this case, we are happy with the default prior for the intercept. In this specific case, the flat prior on coefficient is also fine, but we add an weakly informative prior just for the illustration. Let’s assume we expect the temperature to change less than 1°C in 10 years. With student_t(3, 0, 0.03) about 95% prior mass has less than 0.1°C change in year, and with low degrees of freedom (3) we have thick tails making the likelihood dominate in case of prior-data conflict. In real life, we do have much more information about the temperature change, and naturally a hierarchical spatio-temporal model with all temperature measurement locations would be even better.

fit_lin <- brm(temp ~ year, data = data_lin, family = gaussian(),
               prior = prior(student_t(3, 0, 0.03), class='b'),
               seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: temp ~ year 
   Data: data_lin (Number of observations: 71) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept   -32.31     12.33   -56.76    -7.39 1.00     4687     2713
year          0.02      0.01     0.01     0.03 1.00     4687     2714

Further Distributional Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma     1.08      0.09     0.91     1.28 1.00     3363     2640

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Make prior sensitivity analysis by power-scaling both prior and likelihood.

powerscale_sensitivity(fit_lin)  |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
b_Intercept 0.03 0.09 -
b_year 0.03 0.09 -
sigma 0 0.13 -
Intercept 0 0.08 -

Our weakly informative proper prior has negligible sensitivity, and the likelihood is informative. Extract the posterior draws and check the summaries. We exclude variables lprior (log prior density) and lp__ (log posterior density).

draws_lin <- as_draws_df(fit_lin) 
draws_lin |>
  subset_draws(variable=c('lprior','lp__'), exclude=TRUE) |>
  summarise_draws() |> 
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b_Intercept -32 -32 12 12 -53 -12 1 4687 2713
b_year 0.021 0.021 0.0062 0.006 0.011 0.031 1 4687 2714
sigma 1.1 1.1 0.092 0.089 0.94 1.2 1 3363 2640
Intercept 9.4 9.4 0.13 0.13 9.2 9.6 1 4026 3127

Histogram of b_year

draws_lin |>
  mcmc_hist(pars='b_year') +
  xlab('Average temperature increase per year')

Compute the probability that the coefficient b_year > 0 and the corresponding MCSE.

draws_lin |>
  mutate(I_b_year_gt_0 = b_year>0) |>
  subset_draws(variable='I_b_year_gt_0') |>
  summarise_draws(mean, mcse_mean)  |>
variable mean mcse_mean
I_b_year_gt_0 1

All posterior draws have b_year>0, the probability gets rounded to 1, and MCSE is not available as the observed posterior variance is 0.

95% posterior interval for temperature increase per 100 years and associated MCSEs.

draws_lin |>
  mutate(b_year_100 = b_year*100) |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_year_100') |>
  summarise_draws(~quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)),
                  ~mcse_quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))) |>
  tt() |>
variable 2.5% 97.5% mcse_q2.5 mcse_q97.5
b_year_100 0.84 3.33 0.03 0.03

Plot posterior draws of the linear function values at each year. add_linpred_draws() takes the years from the data passed via pipe, and uses fit_lin to make the linear model predictions. add_linpred_draws() corresponds to brms::posterior_linpred()

data_lin |>
  add_linpred_draws(fit_lin) |>
  # plot data
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y=temp)) +
  geom_point(color=2) +
  # plot lineribbon for the linear model
  stat_lineribbon(aes(y = .linpred), .width = c(.95), alpha = 1/2, color=brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[5]]) +
  # decoration
  labs(x= "Year", y = 'Summer temp. @Kilpisjärvi') +

Plot a spaghetti plot for 100 posterior draws.

data_lin |>
  add_linpred_draws(fit_lin, ndraws=100) |>
  # plot data
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y=temp)) +
  geom_point(color=2) +
  # plot a line for each posterior draw
  geom_line(aes(y=.linpred, group=.draw), alpha = 1/2, color = brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[3]])+
  # decoration
  labs(x= "Year", y = 'Summer temp. @Kilpisjärvi') +

Plot posterior predictive distribution at each year until 2030. add_predicted_draws() takes the years from the data and uses fit_lin to draw from the posterior predictive distribution. add_predicted_draws() corresponds to brms::posterior_predict().

data_lin |>
  add_row(year=2023:2030) |>
  add_predicted_draws(fit_lin) |>
  # plot data
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y=temp)) +
  geom_point(color=2) +
  # plot lineribbon for the linear model
  stat_lineribbon(aes(y = .prediction), .width = c(.95), alpha = 1/2, color=brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[5]]) +
  # decoration
  labs(x= "Year", y = 'Summer temp. @Kilpisjärvi') +
Warning: Removed 32000 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Posterior predictive check with density overlays examines the whole temperature distribution. We generate replicate data using 20 different posterior draws (with argument ndraws).

pp_check(fit_lin, type='dens_overlay', ndraws=20)

LOO-PIT check is good for checking whether the normal distribution is well describing the variation as it examines the calibration of LOO predictive distributions conditionally on each year. LOO-PIT plot looks good. We use all posterior draws to estimate LOO predictive distributions.

pp_check(fit_lin, type='loo_pit_qq', ndraws=4000)

6 Linear Student’s t model

The temperatures used in the above analyses are averages over three months, which makes it more likely that they are normally distributed, but there can be extreme events in the feather and we can check whether more robust Student’s t observation model would give different results (although LOO-PIT check did already indicate that the normal would be good).

fit_lin_t <- brm(temp ~ year, data = data_lin,
                 family = student(),
                 prior = prior(student_t(3, 0, 0.03), class='b'),
                 seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics. The b_year posterior looks similar as before and the posterior for degrees of freedom nu has most of the posterior mass for quite large values indicating there is no strong support for thick tailed variation in average summer temperatures.

 Family: student 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity; nu = identity 
Formula: temp ~ year 
   Data: data_lin (Number of observations: 71) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept   -33.84     12.36   -58.32    -9.51 1.00     3748     2631
year          0.02      0.01     0.01     0.03 1.00     3753     2631

Further Distributional Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma     1.03      0.10     0.86     1.25 1.00     3228     2900
nu       24.40     13.97     6.41    59.17 1.00     3496     2620

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

7 Pareto-smoothed importance-sampling leave-one-out cross-validation (PSIS-LOO)

We can use leave-one-out cross-validation to compare the expected predictive performance.

LOO comparison shows normal and Student’s t model have similar performance. As loo_compare() returns it’s own specific object type, we need to do some manipulation to change it to a data frame suitable for tt().

loo_compare(loo(fit_lin), loo(fit_lin_t)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_lin 0 0
fit_lin_t -0.33 0.36

8 Heteroskedastic linear model

Heteroscedasticity assumes that the variation around the linear mean can also vary. We can allow sigma to depend on year, too. brms supports multiple models using bf() function, and sigma is a special keyword for the residual standard deviation. Although the additional component is written as sigma ~ year, the log link function is used and the model is for log(sigma).

fit_lin_h <- brm(bf(temp ~ year,
                    sigma ~ year),
                 data = data_lin, family = gaussian(),
                 prior = prior(student_t(3, 0, 0.03), class='b'),
                 seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics. The b_year posterior looks similar as before. The posterior for sigma_year looks like having most of the mass for negative values, indicating decrease in temperature variation around the mean.

 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
Formula: temp ~ year 
         sigma ~ year
   Data: data_lin (Number of observations: 71) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
                Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept         -36.23     12.41   -60.50   -11.96 1.00     3533     2896
sigma_Intercept    18.64      8.82     1.30    35.92 1.00     3566     3006
year                0.02      0.01     0.01     0.04 1.00     3545     2896
sigma_year         -0.01      0.00    -0.02    -0.00 1.00     3562     3028

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Histograms of b_year and b_sigma_year

as_draws_df(fit_lin_h) |>
  mcmc_areas(pars=c('b_year', 'b_sigma_year'))

As log(x) is almost linear when x is close to zero, we can see that the sigma is decreasing about 1% per year (95% interval from 0% to 2%).

Plot the posterior predictive distribution at each year until 2030 add_predicted_draws() takes the years from the data and uses fit_lin_h to draw from the posterior predictive distribution.

data_lin |>
  add_row(year=2023:2030) |>
  add_predicted_draws(fit_lin_h) |>
  # plot data
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y=temp)) +
  geom_point(color=2) +
  # plot lineribbon for the linear model
  stat_lineribbon(aes(y = .prediction), .width = c(.95), alpha = 1/2, color=brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[5]]) +
  # decoration
  labs(x= "Year", y = 'Summer temp. @Kilpisjärvi') +
Warning: Removed 32000 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Make prior sensitivity analysis by power-scaling both prior and likelihood.

powerscale_sensitivity(fit_lin_h)  |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
b_Intercept 0.03 0.1 -
b_sigma_Intercept 0 0.11 -
b_year 0.03 0.1 -
b_sigma_year 0 0.11 -
Intercept 0.01 0.1 -
Intercept_sigma 0 0.12 -

We can use leave-one-out cross-validation to compare the expected predictive performance.

LOO comparison shows homoskedastic normal and heteroskedastic normal models have similar performances.

loo_compare(loo(fit_lin), loo(fit_lin_h)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_lin_h 0 0
fit_lin -1.6 1.6

9 Heteroskedastic non-linear model

We can test the linearity assumption by using non-linear spline functions, by using s(year) terms. Sampling is slower as the posterior gets more complex.

fit_spline_h <- brm(bf(temp ~ s(year),
                       sigma ~ s(year)),
                    data = data_lin, family = gaussian(),
                    seed = SEED, refresh = 0)

We get warnings about divergences, and try rerunning with higher adapt_delta, which leads to using smaller step sizes. Often adapt_delta=0.999 leads to very slow sampling and is not generally recommended, but with this small data, this is not an issue.

fit_spline_h <- update(fit_spline_h, control = list(adapt_delta=0.999))

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics. We’re not anymore able to make interpretation of the temperature increase based on this summary. For splines, we see prior scales sds for the spline coefficients.

 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
Formula: temp ~ s(year) 
         sigma ~ s(year)
   Data: data_lin (Number of observations: 71) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Smoothing Spline Hyperparameters:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sds(syear_1)           1.02      0.95     0.03     3.61 1.00     1562     1917
sds(sigma_syear_1)     0.90      0.90     0.04     3.31 1.00     1265     1981

Regression Coefficients:
                Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept           9.43      0.13     9.16     9.69 1.00     4663     2963
sigma_Intercept     0.04      0.09    -0.12     0.21 1.00     4392     2522
syear_1             2.93      2.59    -2.47     8.41 1.00     1930     1744
sigma_syear_1      -1.05      2.27    -6.27     3.47 1.00     1803     1165

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

We can still plot posterior predictive distribution at each year until 2030 add_predicted_draws() takes the years from the data and uses fit_lin_h to draw from the posterior predictive distribution.

data_lin |>
  add_row(year=2023:2030) |>
  add_predicted_draws(fit_spline_h) |>
  # plot data
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y=temp)) +
  geom_point(color=2) +
  # plot lineribbon for the linear model
  stat_lineribbon(aes(y = .prediction), .width = c(.95), alpha = 1/2, color=brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[5]]) +
  # decoration
  labs(x= "Year", y = 'Summer temp. @Kilpisjärvi') +
Warning: Removed 32000 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

And we can use LOO-CV to compare the expected predictive performance. LOO comparison shows homoskedastic normal linear and heteroskedastic normal spline models have similar performances. There are not enough observations to make clear difference between the models.

loo_compare(loo(fit_lin), loo(fit_spline_h)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_spline_h 0 0
fit_lin -0.62 1.8

For spline and other non-parametric models, we can use predictive estimates and predictions to get interpretable quantities. Let’s examine the difference of estimated average temperature in years 1952 and 2022.

temp_diff <- posterior_epred(fit_spline_h, newdata=filter(data_lin,year==1952|year==2022)) |>
  rvar() |>
  diff() |>
  as_draws_df() |>

temp_diff <- data_lin |>
  filter(year==1952|year==2022) |>
  add_epred_draws(fit_spline_h) |>
  pivot_wider(id_cols=.draw, names_from = year, values_from = .epred) |>
  mutate(temp_diff = `2022`-`1952`,
         .chain = (.draw - 1) %/% 1000 + 1,
         .iteration = (.draw - 1) %% 1000 + 1) |>
  as_draws_df() |>

Posterior distribution for average summer temperature increase from 1952 to 2022

temp_diff |>

95% posterior interval for average summer temperature increase from 1952 to 2022

temp_diff |>
  summarise_draws(~quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)),
                  ~mcse_quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))) |>
  tt() |>
variable 2.5% 97.5% mcse_q2.5 mcse_q97.5
temp_diff 0.58 2.59 0.02 0.03

Make prior sensitivity analysis by power-scaling both prior and likelihood with focus on average summer temperature increase from 1952 to 2022.

powerscale_sensitivity(temp_diff, fit=fit_spline_h, variable='temp_diff') |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
temp_diff 0.01 0.08 -

Probability that the average summer temperature has increased from 1952 to 2022 is 99.5%.

temp_diff |>
  mutate(I_temp_diff_gt_0 = temp_diff>0,
         temp_diff = NULL) |>
  subset_draws(variable='I_temp_diff_gt_0') |>
  summarise_draws(mean, mcse_mean) |>
variable mean mcse_mean
I_temp_diff_gt_0 1 0.00075

10 Comparison of k groups with hierarchical normal models

Load factory data, which contain 5 quality measurements for each of 6 machines. We’re interested in analysing are the quality differences between the machines.

factory <- read.table(url(''))
colnames(factory) <- 1:6
   1   2   3   4   5   6
1 83 117 101 105  79  57
2 92 109  93 119  97  92
3 92 114  92 116 103 104
4 46 104  86 102  79  77
5 67  87  67 116  92 100

We pivot the data to long format

factory <- factory |>
  pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
               names_to = 'machine',
               values_to = 'quality')
# A tibble: 30 × 2
   machine quality
   <chr>     <int>
 1 1            83
 2 2           117
 3 3           101
 4 4           105
 5 5            79
 6 6            57
 7 1            92
 8 2           109
 9 3            93
10 4           119
# ℹ 20 more rows

10.1 Pooled model

As comparison make also pooled model

fit_pooled <- brm(quality ~ 1, data = factory, refresh=0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: quality ~ 1 
   Data: factory (Number of observations: 30) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept    93.09      3.23    86.65    99.54 1.00     3162     2409

Further Distributional Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma    18.42      2.49    14.19    23.92 1.00     3011     2034

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

10.2 Separate model

As comparison make also separate model. To make it completely separate we need to have different sigma for each machine, too.

fit_separate <- brm(bf(quality ~ 0 + machine,
                       sigma ~ 0 + machine),
                    data = factory, refresh=0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
Formula: quality ~ 0 + machine 
         sigma ~ 0 + machine
   Data: factory (Number of observations: 30) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
machine1          75.80     12.32    49.35   101.45 1.00     2372     1619
machine2         106.20      7.06    92.33   120.49 1.00     1939     1467
machine3          87.48      8.18    72.06   102.81 1.00     1816     1142
machine4         111.59      4.47   102.35   120.12 1.00     2288     1578
machine5          90.29      6.49    77.34   104.57 1.00     1934     1488
machine6          86.49     12.77    61.06   111.90 1.01     1112      698
sigma_machine1     3.11      0.41     2.47     4.03 1.00     2275     1802
sigma_machine2     2.59      0.39     1.96     3.47 1.00     2573     1730
sigma_machine3     2.69      0.42     2.04     3.65 1.00     1890     1148
sigma_machine4     2.14      0.38     1.52     3.03 1.00     2546     1697
sigma_machine5     2.50      0.40     1.86     3.40 1.00     2400     2130
sigma_machine6     3.11      0.42     2.44     4.09 1.00     1681     1122

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

11 Common variance hierarchical model (ANOVA)

fit_hier <- brm(quality ~ 1 + (1 | machine),
                data = factory, refresh = 0)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

Warning: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing
adapt_delta above 0.8 may help. See
 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: quality ~ 1 + (1 | machine) 
   Data: factory (Number of observations: 30) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Multilevel Hyperparameters:
~machine (Number of levels: 6) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)    12.81      6.07     3.20    27.65 1.00      942     1214

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept    92.81      5.80    80.78   103.97 1.00     1303     1254

Further Distributional Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma    15.06      2.32    11.31    20.27 1.00     1520     2044

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

LOO comparison shows the hierarchical model is the best. The differences are small as the number of observations is small and there is a considerable prediction (aleatoric) uncertainty.

loo_compare(loo(fit_pooled), loo(fit_separate), loo(fit_hier)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
Warning: Found 4 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_separate'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_hier 0 0
fit_separate -3.8 2.7
fit_pooled -4 2

Different model posterior distributions for the mean quality. Pooled model ignores the variation between machines. Separate model doesn’t take benefit from the similarity of the machines and has higher uncertainty.

ph <- fit_hier |>
  spread_rvars(b_Intercept, r_machine[machine,]) |>
  mutate(machine_mean = b_Intercept + r_machine) |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=machine_mean, y=machine)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=1:6) +
  labs(x='Quality', y='Machine', title='Hierarchical')

ps <- fit_separate |>
  as_draws_df() |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_machine', regex=TRUE) |>
  set_variables(paste0('b_machine[', 1:6, ']')) |>
  as_draws_rvars() |>
  spread_rvars(b_machine[machine]) |>
  mutate(machine_mean = b_machine) |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=machine_mean, y=machine)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=1:6) +
  labs(x='Quality', y='Machine', title='Separate')

pp <- fit_pooled |>
  spread_rvars(b_Intercept) |>
  mutate(machine_mean = b_Intercept) |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=machine_mean, y=0)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=NULL) +
  labs(x='Quality', y='All machines', title='Pooled')

(pp / ps / ph) * xlim(c(50,140))
Warning: Removed 581 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Make prior sensitivity analysis by power-scaling both prior and likelihood with focus on mean quality of each machine. We see no prior sensitivity.

machine_mean <- fit_hier |>
  as_draws_df() |>
  mutate(across(matches('r_machine'), ~ .x - b_Intercept)) |>
  subset_draws(variable='r_machine', regex=TRUE) |>
  set_variables(paste0('machine_mean[', 1:6, ']'))
powerscale_sensitivity(machine_mean, fit=fit_hier, variable='machine_mean') |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
machine_mean[1] 0.02 0.09 -
machine_mean[2] 0.03 0.07 -
machine_mean[3] 0.03 0.03 -
machine_mean[4] 0.03 0.1 -
machine_mean[5] 0.03 0.02 -
machine_mean[6] 0.03 0.04 -

12 Hierarchical binomial model

Sorafenib Toxicity Dataset in metadat R package includes results from 13 studies investigating the occurrence of dose limiting toxicities (DLTs) at different doses of Sorafenib.

Load data

  study year dose events total
1 Awada 2005  100      0     4
2 Awada 2005  200      0     3
3 Awada 2005  300      1     5
4 Awada 2005  400      1    10
5 Awada 2005  600      7    12
6 Awada 2005  800      1     3

Number of patients per study

dat.ursino2021 |>
  group_by(study) |>
  summarise(N = sum(total)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=N, y=study)) +
  geom_col(fill=4) +
  labs(x='Number of patients per study', y='Study')

Distribution of doses

dat.ursino2021 |>
  ggplot(aes(x=dose)) +
  geom_histogram(breaks=seq(50,1050,by=100), fill=4, colour=1) +
  labs(x='Dose (mg)', y='Count') +

Each study is using 2–6 different dose levels. Three studies that include only two dose levels (200 and 400) are likely to provide weak information on slope.

crosstab <- with(dat.ursino2021,table(dose,study))
crosstab |>
  as_tibble() |>
  ggplot(aes(x=study, y=as.numeric(dose), fill=as.factor(n))) +
  geom_tile() +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "", values = c("white",4)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(100,300,200,400,600,800,1000)) +
  labs(x="Study", y="Dose") +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1, vjust=1))

Pooled model assumes all studies have the same dose effect (reminder: ~ dose is equivalent to ~ 1 + dose). We use similar priors as in earlier binomial models.

fit_pooled <- brm(events | trials(total) ~ dose,
                  prior = c(prior(student_t(7, 0, 1.5), class='Intercept'),
                            prior(normal(0, 1), class='b')),
                  family=binomial(), data=dat.ursino2021)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: events | trials(total) ~ dose 
   Data: dat.ursino2021 (Number of observations: 49) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept    -3.16      0.37    -3.87    -2.46 1.00     1420     2308
dose          0.00      0.00     0.00     0.01 1.00     2951     2809

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Dose coefficient seems to be very small. Looking at the posterior, we see that it is positive with high probability.

fit_pooled |>
  as_draws() |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_dose') |>
  summarise_draws(~quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), ~mcse_quantile(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))) |>
variable 2.5% 97.5% mcse_q2.5 mcse_q97.5
b_dose 0.0022 0.0052 0.000023 0.000045

The dose was reported in mg, and most values are in hundreds. It is often sensible to switch to a scale in which the range of values is closer to unit range. In this case it is natural to use g instead of mg.

dat.ursino2021 <- dat.ursino2021 |>
  mutate(doseg = dose/1000)

Fit the pooled model again using doseg

fit_pooled <- brm(events | trials(total) ~ doseg,
                  prior = c(prior(student_t(7, 0, 1.5), class='Intercept'),
                            prior(normal(0, 1), class='b')),
                  family=binomial(), data=dat.ursino2021)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: events | trials(total) ~ doseg 
   Data: dat.ursino2021 (Number of observations: 49) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept    -2.59      0.29    -3.17    -2.02 1.00     2321     2255
doseg         2.42      0.58     1.28     3.56 1.00     2649     2500

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Now it is easier to interpret the presented values.

Prior and likelihood sensitivity plot shows posterior density estimate depending on amount of power-scaling. Overlapping lines indicate low sensitivity and wider gaps between lines indicate greater sensitivity.

fit_pooled |>
  powerscale_plot_dens(variable='b_doseg', help_text=FALSE) +
  labs(x='Dose (g) coefficient', y=NULL) 

We see a strong prior prior sensitivity.

Power-scaling with cumulative Jensen-Shannon distance diagnostic indicates prior-data conflict.

powerscale_sensitivity(fit_pooled, variable='b_doseg') |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
b_doseg 0.25 0.23 prior-data conflict

Comparing the posterior of b_doseg (90%-interval [1.3, 3.6]) to the prior normal(0,1), we see that when we scaled the covariate, we forgot to check that the prior still makes sense.

We make prior predictive checking by fixing the intercept=0 (or otherwise prior variation from the intercept would hide the prior variation from the b_doseg and centering the covariate (this is what brms does by default).

data.frame(theta=plogis(sample(with(dat.ursino2021, doseg - mean(doseg)),
                               4000,replace=TRUE) *
                          rnorm(4000, mean=0, sd=1))) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=theta)) +
  stat_slab() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=NULL) +
  ylab('') +

We see that the prior is very informative (here the width of the prior matters, as the location would be based on the intercept.

We could have made the prior predictive checking earlier, but here we intentionally wanted to illustrate how priorsense can catch prior problems.

Checking that sd of doseg is about 1/5,

sd(dat.ursino2021$doseg) |> round(2)
[1] 0.23

We adjust the prior to be normal(0, 5), so that expected sd of doseg * b_doseg is about 1. Prior predictive checking looks better now.

data.frame(theta=plogis(sample(with(dat.ursino2021, doseg - mean(doseg)),
                               4000,replace=TRUE) *
                          rnorm(4000, mean=0, sd=5))) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=theta)) +
  stat_slab() +
  xlim(c(0,1)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=NULL) +
  ylab('') +

The narrower part in the prior distribution is due to the data having more small doses than large doses.

We refit the model with the wider prior.

fit_pooled <- brm(events | trials(total) ~ doseg,
                  prior = c(prior(student_t(7, 0, 1.5), class='Intercept'),
                            prior(normal(0, 5), class='b')),
                  family=binomial(), data=dat.ursino2021)
fitp_pooled <- update(fit_pooled, sample_prior='only')

And the prior-data conflict has gone.

fit_pooled |>
  powerscale_plot_dens(variable='b_doseg', help_text=FALSE) +
  labs(x='Dose (g) coefficient', y=NULL)

powerscale_sensitivity(fit_pooled, variable='b_doseg') |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
b_doseg 0.02 0.1 -

Separate model assumes all studies have different dose effect. It would be a bit complicated to set a different prior on study specific intercepts and other coefficients, so we use the same prior for all.

fit_separate <- brm(events | trials(total) ~ 0 + study + doseg:study,
                    prior=prior(student_t(7, 0, 5), class='b'),
                    family=binomial(), data=dat.ursino2021)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: events | trials(total) ~ 0 + study + doseg:study 
   Data: dat.ursino2021 (Number of observations: 49) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
                       Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
studyAwada                -3.28      1.14    -5.75    -1.27 1.00     5750
studyBorthakurMA          -4.64      2.11    -9.21    -1.02 1.00     6104
studyBorthakurMB          -2.95      1.80    -6.91     0.21 1.00     6268
studyChen                 -3.15      2.00    -7.38     0.51 1.00     4234
studyClark                -4.32      1.87    -8.65    -1.22 1.00     5115
studyCrumpMA              -2.77      1.36    -5.66    -0.33 1.00     5393
studyCrumpMB              -2.72      1.33    -5.58    -0.44 1.00     4756
studyFuruse               -3.91      1.84    -7.94    -0.77 1.00     5046
studyMiller               -1.36      0.79    -2.92     0.10 1.00     6590
studyMinami               -3.16      1.37    -6.19    -0.80 1.00     5778
studyMoore                -3.21      1.40    -6.29    -0.80 1.00     5940
studyNabors               -4.41      1.76    -8.28    -1.42 1.00     5628
studyStrumberg            -2.51      0.99    -4.63    -0.71 1.00     6209
studyAwada:doseg           4.76      2.13     0.88     9.19 1.00     5444
studyBorthakurMA:doseg     4.17      4.12    -3.31    12.90 1.00     6273
studyBorthakurMB:doseg     2.97      3.54    -3.52    10.53 1.00     6148
studyChen:doseg           -0.31      4.74    -9.38     9.15 1.00     4963
studyClark:doseg           6.24      3.12     0.80    13.28 1.00     5290
studyCrumpMA:doseg         0.81      4.16    -7.26     9.13 1.01     6330
studyCrumpMB:doseg         2.44      2.88    -2.96     8.35 1.00     5437
studyFuruse:doseg          0.98      4.73    -8.11    11.22 1.00     5504
studyMiller:doseg          1.03      2.62    -3.99     6.12 1.00     6206
studyMinami:doseg          1.05      3.24    -5.51     7.55 1.00     5304
studyMoore:doseg           3.61      2.92    -1.77     9.64 1.00     6019
studyNabors:doseg          4.89      2.31     0.81     9.88 1.00     5685
studyStrumberg:doseg       1.73      1.78    -1.66     5.36 1.00     6499
studyAwada                 2250
studyBorthakurMA           2308
studyBorthakurMB           2744
studyChen                  2806
studyClark                 2172
studyCrumpMA               2609
studyCrumpMB               2553
studyFuruse                2585
studyMiller                2795
studyMinami                2542
studyMoore                 2625
studyNabors                2606
studyStrumberg             2541
studyAwada:doseg           2359
studyBorthakurMA:doseg     2253
studyBorthakurMB:doseg     2676
studyChen:doseg            2967
studyClark:doseg           2334
studyCrumpMA:doseg         2935
studyCrumpMB:doseg         2342
studyFuruse:doseg          2596
studyMiller:doseg          2495
studyMinami:doseg          2584
studyMoore:doseg           2867
studyNabors:doseg          2765
studyStrumberg:doseg       2648

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

We build two different hierarchical models. The first one has hierarchical model for the intercept, that is, each study has a parameter telling how much that study differs from the common population intercept.

fit_hier1 <- brm(events | trials(total) ~ doseg + (1 | study),
                 prior=c(prior(student_t(7, 0, 3), class='Intercept'),
                         prior(normal(0, 5), class='b')),

The second hierarchical model assumes that also the slope can vary between the studies.

fit_hier2 <- brm(events | trials(total) ~ doseg + (doseg | study),
                 prior=c(prior(student_t(7, 0, 10), class='Intercept'),
                         prior(normal(0, 5), class='b')),

We seem some divergences due to highly varying posterior curvature. We repeat the sampling with higher adapt_delta, which adjust the step size to be smaller. Higher adapt_delta makes the computation slower, but that is not an issue in this case. If you get divergences with adapt_delta=0.99, it is likely that even larger values don’t help, and you need to consider different parameterization, different model, or more informative priors.

fit_hier2 <- update(fit_hier2, control=list(adapt_delta=0.99))

LOO-CV comparison

loo_compare(loo(fit_pooled), loo(fit_separate), loo(fit_hier1), loo(fit_hier2)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
Warning: Found 10 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_separate'.
We recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching
for problematic observations.
Warning: Found 1 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_hier1'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
Warning: Found 2 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_hier2'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_hier1 0 0
fit_hier2 -0.79 0.45
fit_pooled -2 2.5
fit_separate -14 4.1

We get warnings about several Pareto k’s > 0.7 in PSIS-LOO for separate model, but as in that case the LOO-CV estimate is usually overoptimistic and the separate model is the worst, there is no need to use more accurate computation for the separate model.

We get warnings about a few Pareto k’s > 0.7 in PSIS-LOO for both hierarchical models. We can improve the accuracy be running MCMC for these LOO folds. We use add_criterion() function to store the LOO computation results as they take a bit longer now. We get some divergences in case of the second hierarchical model, as leaving out an observation for a study that has only two dose levels is making the posterior having a difficult shape.

fit_hier1 <- add_criterion(fit_hier1, criterion='loo', reloo=TRUE)
fit_hier2 <- add_criterion(fit_hier2, criterion='loo', reloo=TRUE)

We repeat the LOO-CV comparison (without separate model). loo() function is using the results added to the fit objects.

loo_compare(loo(fit_pooled), loo(fit_hier1), loo(fit_hier2)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_hier1 0 0
fit_hier2 -0.91 0.41
fit_pooled -2.1 2.5

The results did not change much. The first hierarchical model is slightly better than other models, but for predictive purposes there is not much difference (there is high aleatoric uncertainty in the predictions). Adding hierarchical model for the slope, decreased the predictive performance and thus it is likely that there is not enough information about the variation in slopes between studies.

Posterior predictive checking showing the observed and predicted number of events. Rootogram uses square root of counts on y-axis for better scaling. Rootogram is useful for count data when the range of counts is small or moderate.

pp_check(fit_pooled, type = "rootogram") +
  labs(title='Pooled model')

pp_check(fit_hier1, type = "rootogram") +
  labs(title='Hierarchical model 1')

pp_check(fit_hier2, type = "rootogram") +
  labs(title='Hierarchical model 2')

We see that the hierarchical models have higher probability for future counts that are bigger than maximum observed count and longer predictive distribution tail. This is natural as uncertainty in the variation between studies increases predictive uncertainty, too, especially as the number of studies is relatively small.

The population level coefficient posterior given pooled model

plot_posterior_pooled <- mcmc_areas(as_draws_df(fit_pooled), regex_pars='b_doseg') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype='dashed') +
  labs(title='Pooled model')

The population level coefficient posterior given hierarchical model 1

plot_posterior_hier1 <- mcmc_areas(as_draws_df(fit_hier1), regex_pars='b_doseg') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype='dashed') +
  labs(title='Hierarchical model 1')

The population level coefficient posterior given hierarchical model 3

plot_posterior_hier2 <- mcmc_areas(as_draws_df(fit_hier2), regex_pars='b_doseg') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype='dashed') +
  labs(title='Hierarchical model 2')

(plot_posterior_pooled / plot_posterior_hier1 / plot_posterior_hier2) * xlim(c(0,8.5))
Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range

All models agree that the slope is very likely positive. The hierarchical models have more uncertainty, but also higher posterior mean.

When we look at the study specific parameters, we see that the Miller study has slightly higher intercept (leading to higher theta).

(mcmc_areas(as_draws_df(fit_hier1), regex_pars='r_study\\[.*Intercept') +
   labs(title='Hierarchical model 1')) /
  (mcmc_areas(as_draws_df(fit_hier2), regex_pars='r_study\\[.*Intercept') +
     labs(title='Hierarchical model 2'))

There are no clear differences in slopes.

mcmc_areas(as_draws_df(fit_hier2), regex_pars='r_study\\[.*doseg') +
  labs(title='Hierarchical model 2')

Based on LOO comparison we could continue with any of the models except the separate one, but if we want to take into account the unknown possible study variations, it is best to continue with the hierarchical model 2. We could reduce the uncertainty by spending some effort to elicit a more informative priors for the between study variation, by searching open study databases for similar studies. In this example, we skip that and continue with other parts of the workflow. We check the prior sensitivity in hierarchical model 2

fit_hier2 |>
  powerscale_plot_dens(variable='b_doseg', help_text=FALSE) +
  labs(x='Dose (g) coefficient', y=NULL)

powerscale_sensitivity(fit_hier2, variable='b_doseg') |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
b_doseg 0.04 0.11 -

The posterior for the probability of event given certain dose and a new study for hierarchical model 2.

           total=1) |>
  add_linpred_draws(fit_hier2, transform=TRUE, allow_new_levels=TRUE) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=dose, y=.linpred)) +
  stat_lineribbon(.width = c(.95), alpha = 1/2, color=brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[5]]) +
  labs(x= "Dose (mg)", y = 'Probability of event', title='Hierarchical model') +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0) +

If we plot individual posterior draws, we see that there is a lot of uncertainty about the overall probability (explained by the variation in Intercept in different studies), but less uncertainty about the slope.

           total=1) |>
  add_linpred_draws(fit_hier2, transform=TRUE, allow_new_levels=TRUE, ndraws=100) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=dose, y=.linpred)) +
  geom_line(aes(group=.draw), alpha = 1/2, color = brewer.pal(5, "Blues")[[3]])+
  labs(x= "Dose (g)", y = 'Probability of event') +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0) +

13 Hierarchical binomial model 2

Studies on Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease includes results from 39 trials examining pharmacologic treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The dataset comes from a systematic review of randomized controlled trials on pharmacologic treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Baker et al., 2009.

The primary outcome, occurrence of one or more episodes of COPD exacerbation, is binary (yes / no). For this outcome, five drug treatments (fluticasone, budesonide, salmeterol, formoterol, tiotropium) and two combinations (fluticasone + salmeterol, budesonide + formoterol) were compared to placebo.

Load data

# force character strings to factors for easier plotting
dat.baker2009 <- dat.baker2009 |>
  mutate(study = factor(study),
         treatment = factor(treatment),
         id = factor(id))

Look at six first lines of the data frame

                 study year id   treatment exac total
1 Llewellyn-Jones 1996 1996  1 Fluticasone    0     8
2 Llewellyn-Jones 1996 1996  1     Placebo    3     8
3            Boyd 1997 1997  2  Salmeterol   47   229
4            Boyd 1997 1997  2     Placebo   59   227
5        Paggiaro 1998 1998  3 Fluticasone   45   142
6        Paggiaro 1998 1998  3     Placebo   51   139

Total number of patients in each study varies a lot

dat.baker2009 |>
  group_by(study) |>
  summarise(N = sum(total)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=N, y=study)) +
  geom_col(fill=4) +
  labs(x='Number of patients per study', y='Study')

None of the treatments is included in every study, and each study includes 2--4 treatments.

crosstab <- with(dat.baker2009,table(study, treatment))
plot_treatments <- data.frame(number_of_studies=colSums(crosstab), treatment=colnames(crosstab)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=number_of_studies,y=treatment)) +
  geom_col(fill=4) +
  labs(x='Number of studies with a treatment X', y='Treatment') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=nrow(crosstab), linetype='dashed') +
plot_studies <- data.frame(number_of_treatments=rowSums(crosstab), study=rownames(crosstab)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=number_of_treatments,y=study)) +
  geom_col(fill=4) +
  labs(x='Number of treatments in a study Y', y='Study') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=ncol(crosstab), linetype='dashed') +
plot_treatments + plot_studies

The following plot shows which treatments were in which studies.

crosstab |>
  as_tibble() |>
  ggplot(aes(x=study, y=treatment, fill=as.factor(n))) +
  geom_tile() +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "", values = c("white",4)) +
  labs(x="Study", y="Treatment") +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1, vjust=1))

The first model is pooling the information over studies, but estimating separate theta for each treatment (including placebo).

fit_pooled <- brm(exac | trials(total) ~ 0 + treatment,
                  prior = prior(student_t(7, 0, 1.5), class='b'),
                  family=binomial(), data=dat.baker2009)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: exac | trials(total) ~ 0 + treatment 
   Data: dat.baker2009 (Number of observations: 94) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Regression Coefficients:
                                Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
treatmentBudesonide                -0.30      0.10    -0.50    -0.12 1.00
treatmentBudesonidePFormoterol     -0.49      0.10    -0.68    -0.30 1.00
treatmentFluticasone                0.35      0.04     0.28     0.43 1.00
treatmentFluticasonePSalmeterol     0.12      0.03     0.06     0.19 1.00
treatmentFormoterol                -0.71      0.06    -0.84    -0.59 1.00
treatmentPlacebo                   -0.28      0.02    -0.32    -0.24 1.00
treatmentSalmeterol                -0.38      0.03    -0.44    -0.33 1.00
treatmentTiotropium                -0.90      0.03    -0.96    -0.84 1.00
                                Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
treatmentBudesonide                 7171     2906
treatmentBudesonidePFormoterol      6847     3267
treatmentFluticasone                6865     3211
treatmentFluticasonePSalmeterol     6979     3133
treatmentFormoterol                 7939     2883
treatmentPlacebo                    6947     3141
treatmentSalmeterol                 6203     3103
treatmentTiotropium                 7182     3287

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Treatment effect posteriors

fit_pooled |>
  as_draws_df() |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_', regex=TRUE) |>
  set_variables(paste0('b_treatment[', levels(factor(dat.baker2009$treatment)), ']')) |>
  as_draws_rvars() |>
  spread_rvars(b_treatment[treatment]) |>
  mutate(theta_treatment = rfun(plogis)(b_treatment)) |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=theta_treatment, y=treatment)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  labs(x='theta', y='Treatment', title='Pooled over studies, separate over treatments')  

Treatment effect odds-ratio posteriors

theta <- fit_pooled |>
  as_draws_df() |>
  subset_draws(variable='b_', regex=TRUE) |>
  set_variables(paste0('b_treatment[', levels(factor(dat.baker2009$treatment)), ']')) |>
  as_draws_rvars() |>
  spread_rvars(b_treatment[treatment]) |>
  mutate(theta_treatment = rfun(plogis)(b_treatment))
theta_placebo <- filter(theta,treatment=='Placebo')$theta_treatment[[1]]
theta |>
  mutate(treatment_oddsratio = (theta_treatment/(1-theta_treatment))/(theta_placebo/(1-theta_placebo))) |>
  filter(treatment != "Placebo") |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=treatment_oddsratio, y=treatment)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  labs(x='Odds-ratio', y='Treatment', title='Pooled over studies, separate over treatments') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype='dashed')

We see a big variation between treatments and two treatments seem to be harmful, which is suspicious. Looking at the data we see that not all studies included all treatments, and thus if some of the studies had more events, then the above estimates can be wrong.

The target is discrete count, but as the range of counts is big, a rootogram would look messy, and density overlay plot is a better choice. Posterior predictive checking with kernel density estimates for the data and 10 posterior predictive replicates shows clear discrepancy.

pp_check(fit_pooled, type='dens_overlay') +
 labs(x="Number of individuals with COPD exacerbation(s)")

Posterior predictive checking with PIT values and ECDF difference plot with envelope shows clear discrepancy.

pp_check(fit_pooled, type='pit_ecdf', ndraws=4000)

Posterior predictive checking with LOO-PIT values show clear discrepancy.

pp_check(fit_pooled, type='loo_pit_qq', ndraws=4000) +
  geom_abline() +
Warning: Found 22 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model '.x1'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
Some PIT values larger than 1! Largest:  1 
Rounding PIT > 1 to 1.
Warning in .loo_pit(y = y, yrep = object, lw = lw):

The second model uses a hierarchical model both for treatment effects and study effects.

fit_hier <- brm(exac | trials(total) ~ (1 | treatment) + (1 | study),
                family=binomial(), data=dat.baker2009)

Check the summary of the posterior and inference diagnostics.

 Family: binomial 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: exac | trials(total) ~ (1 | treatment) + (1 | study) 
   Data: dat.baker2009 (Number of observations: 94) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Multilevel Hyperparameters:
~study (Number of levels: 39) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)     1.21      0.16     0.93     1.56 1.00      556      871

~treatment (Number of levels: 8) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)     0.17      0.07     0.08     0.35 1.00     1204     1764

Regression Coefficients:
          Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept    -0.90      0.21    -1.31    -0.49 1.01      391      629

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

LOO-CV comparison

loo_compare(loo(fit_pooled), loo(fit_hier)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
Warning: Found 22 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_pooled'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
Warning: Found 20 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_hier'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_hier 0 0
fit_pooled -1950 301

We get warnings about Pareto k’s > 0.7 in PSIS-LOO, but as the difference between the models is huge, we can be confident that the order would the same if we fixed the computation, and the hierarchical model is much better and there is high variation between studies. Clearly there are many highly influential observations.

Posterior predictive checking with kernel density estimates for the data and 10 posterior predictive replicates looks good (although with this many parameters, this check is likely to be optimistic).

pp_check(fit_hier, type='dens_overlay') +
 labs(x="Number of individuals with COPD exacerbation(s)")

Posterior predictive checking with PIT values and ECDF difference plot with envelope looks good (although with this many parameters, this check is likely to be optimistic).

pp_check(fit_hier, type='pit_ecdf', ndraws=4000)

Posterior predictive checking with LOO-PIT values look good (although as there are Pareto-khat warnings, it is possible that this diagnostic is optimistic).

pp_check(fit_hier, type='loo_pit_qq', ndraws=4000) +
  geom_abline() +
Warning: Found 20 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model '.x1'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.

Treatment effect posteriors have now much less variation.

fit_hier |>
  spread_rvars(b_Intercept, r_treatment[treatment,]) |>
  mutate(theta_treatment = rfun(plogis)(b_Intercept + r_treatment)) |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=theta_treatment, y=treatment)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  labs(x='theta', y='Treatment', title='Hierarchical over studies, hierarchical over treatments')  

Study effect posteriors show the expected high variation.

fit_hier |>
  spread_rvars(b_Intercept, r_study[study,]) |>
  mutate(theta_study = rfun(plogis)(b_Intercept + r_study)) |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=theta_study, y=study)) +
  stat_halfeye() +
  labs(x='theta', y='Study', title='Hierarchical over studies, hierarchical over treatments')  

Treatment effect odds-ratio posteriors

theta <- fit_hier |>
  spread_rvars(b_Intercept, r_treatment[treatment,]) |>
  mutate(theta_treatment = rfun(plogis)(b_Intercept + r_treatment))
theta_placebo <- filter(theta,treatment=='Placebo')$theta_treatment[[1]]
theta |>
  mutate(treatment_oddsratio = (theta_treatment/(1-theta_treatment))/(theta_placebo/(1-theta_placebo))) |>
  filter(treatment != "Placebo") |>
  ggplot(aes(xdist=treatment_oddsratio, y=treatment)) +
  stat_slab(scale=1) +
  labs(x='Odds-ratio', y='Treatment', title='Hierarchical over studies, hierarchical over treatments') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype='dashed')

Treatment effect odds-ratios look now more reasonable. As now all treatments were compared to placebo, there is less overlap in the distributions as when looking at the thetas, as all thetas include similar uncertainty about the overall theta due to high variation between studies. We check the prior sensitivity with focus in odds-ratios in hierarchical model

theta <- fit_hier |>
  spread_rvars(b_Intercept, r_treatment[treatment,]) |>
  mutate(theta_treatment = rfun(plogis)(b_Intercept + r_treatment))
theta_placebo <- filter(theta,treatment=='Placebo')$theta_treatment[[1]]
oddsratio <- theta |>
  mutate(treatment_oddsratio = (theta_treatment/(1-theta_treatment))/(theta_placebo/(1-theta_placebo))) |>
  filter(treatment != "Placebo")
oddsratio <- oddsratio$treatment_oddsratio |>
  as_draws_df() |>
powerscale_sensitivity(oddsratio, fit=fit_hier) |>
  tt() |>
variable prior likelihood diagnosis
Budesonide 0 0.07 -
Budesonide+Formoterol 0 0.13 -
Fluticasone 0 0.09 -
Fluticasone+Salmeterol 0 0.1 -
Formoterol 0 0.08 -
Salmeterol 0 0.08 -
Tiotropium 0 0.13 -

The third model includes interaction so that the treatment can depend on study.

fit_hier2 <- brm(exac | trials(total) ~ (1 | treatment) + (treatment | study),
                 family=binomial(), data=dat.baker2009, control=list(adapt_delta=0.9))

LOO comparison shows that the added interaction doesn’t improve the model.

loo_compare(loo(fit_hier), loo(fit_hier2)) |> |>
  rownames_to_column("model") |>
  select(model, elpd_diff, se_diff) |>
Warning: Found 20 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_hier'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
Warning: Found 41 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_hier2'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
model elpd_diff se_diff
fit_hier2 0 0
fit_hier -3.4 3.1

We get warnings about Pareto k’s > 0.7 in PSIS-LOO, but as the models are similar, and the difference is small, we can be relatively confident that the more complex model is not better. In this case, the likely reason is that the data do not have enough information to learn about the interactions and adding them just increases the posterior uncertainty.


  • Code © 2017-2024, Aki Vehtari, licensed under BSD-3.
  • Text © 2017-2024, Aki Vehtari, licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0.